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Does your policy include a separate “Wind or Hail Deductible”?

a'hern agency

In the Denver Metro area, many homeowners and commercial property policies now include a “Wind or Hail Deductible” due to the frequency of catastrophic hail storms. It applies to a loss or damage to property caused by or resulting from wind or hail. We have seen policies with a flat deductible amount – Example: $10,000. and others have a percentage – Example: 5%. The percentage deductible is calculated based on the building value.

Example: Building Value = $400,000. x Wind/Hail Ded at 5% = $20,000.

Take some time to double check your policy to be sure you have a clear understanding of your potential financial responsibility in the event of these catastrophic wind or hail events or give us a call at 303-991-7177 and we’ll check your policy for you.


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